Monday, December 22, 2014

the world in watercolor

Well, well, well. 

Happy Fall, Thanksgiving, Winter, and Merry Christmas!
(now that we're all caught up...)

I've been doing a bit of painting now I'm on break, so here are a few pictures for my neglected little blog.

The world in blue and green watercolors:

And the Philippines, in yellows and reds!

Hm. Still don't know why the white backgrounds of the pictures turn grey on the blog... but it doesn't spoil the effect too much! 
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

Monday, August 25, 2014

digital drawing

Here's a little tree I drew digitally! It's my cellphone's background now. 

(sorry for the lack of posts. College is crazy!)

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


I decided to draw a pen sketch of my church. 


It's nice to be back here, though I do miss the Philippines.

{what do you think? Should I add a little color with some watercolors? Or leave it as is?}

Saturday, July 26, 2014

diy faux calligraphy

This is actually from quite a while ago; I made these cards for friends in the Philippines. But I really enjoyed the technique, so I'm going to do something unheard of, and post a tutorial.
Shocking, I know.

DIY Faux Calligraphy:

1. Gather materials.

  • Watercolor paper
  • Pencil
  • Watercolor paints
  • Pen (I used a Sakura Micron, 0.5)
2. Cut paper to size. Whatever size you want! Mine was fairly small.

3. Sketch the name or phrase in cursive across the front, making sure that the beginning and end go off the page.

 4. Paint a light wash of watercolor over the word(s). I chose a purpely-bluey color, and variegated the colors. LET DRY. This is the step I all too often ignore, and pay the penalty for. (unintentional rhyme there.)

5. Use your pen to trace the word already written on the paper.


6. This is the more subjective step... the calligraphy. Basically, all that's needed is a thickening up of the "down strokes". So go back over the word, and find all the places you pulled the pen down. Then, thicken those lines! It's as simple as that. But for a more picture filled example, The Postman's Knock has a great tutorial for this.

 Voila! Simple, easy, and fun!

Here's a few more I made:

Friday, July 25, 2014


Well, well, well. 
We're finally settling into our new home, and though I'll have to reload my suitcase in less than a month for college, I'm delighted to finally be all unpacked, for however brief a time.

On another note, my blog has been spruced up, by....yes. You guessed it. My sis. Though the header is my art. :)

And finally I can show you some watercolor calligraphy art!

Romans 12:21

The only reason the reference isn't on there is because I couldn't decide what color to make it.

Keep your hopes up that the winds have finally shifted and I will begin to blog consistently.
{Yes, I did just watch Mary Poppins.}

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Seeking Adventure

I have a painting in the works, but I can't finish it since we're on a road trip. However, I'll post another short story I wrote. This one is sort of my pet at the moment. :)

"Seeking Adventure"

Fyn wanted an adventure. But adventure didn’t seem to want him.
The rays of dawn peered into the little alleyway, straight into his room. Now, in the case of any ordinary child, this would have awoken him. But Fyn was different. Fyn was already awake. His bright blue eyes were glued to the window, and he was thinking, quite hard. Adventure, that coveted spice of life had eluded him for an entire week. In fact, ever since he had started wanting it, it had escaped him. Fyn flopped over onto his stomach. “If only mother hadn’t read me that book,” he muttered.  The previous week, Fyn’s mother had finished reading Peter Pan to her son. This, his mother thought would prove a good influence on the boy. It proved to have been of questionable benefit to Fyn, however.
Fyn sat up and stretched. He did this every morning, since Benji, the tallest boy in town, claimed that’s why he grew so much. After one extra effort skyward, Fyn leaped out of bed. He had waited long enough for adventure to find him, and it wasn’t going to happen; not unless he took matters into his own hands. He must hunt down adventure, and, if necessary, beat it into submission. He was going to have it, if it killed him.
“Where could that boy be in such a hurry to get to today?” wondered his mother as Fyn darted out the door. She glanced at his plate, and smiled a bit. Whatever it was, it hadn’t affected his appetite.
Fyn strolled down the street, hands stuffed into his pockets. Where to begin searching? Fyn’s eye was caught by the coat maker’s shop across the way. Particularly prominent in the window was a thick, furry, fox fur cloak. To top it off, the fox’s head was on the cloak as well. Fyn’s eyes grew large. If he had this cloak, he would be a genuine lost boy. Perhaps with that cloak, he would find Neverland! A quick pocket search revealed the dismal extent of Fyn’s bankruptcy. But there was always the option of borrowing. He walked nonchalantly across the road, and into the shop. A middle aged man sat at the front desk, taking the order of a tall lady. The fox coat was in the front window. Fyn edged over, keeping one eye on the shop owner. Now, to borrow it for an hour or two. Just ‘til he found an adventure. He quickly slipped the soft cloak off the stand, and pulling it around his shoulders, he darted out the door.
“Hey! Stop! Thief!” The rough voice made Fyn start. He kept running, but his short legs were no match for the huge man’s stride. He felt himself being yanked backward.
“Hoy!” The man grabbed Fyn’s ear, and tugged the fox cloak off the small boy. “Don’t you try that again, you little thief.” The man squinted threateningly at Fyn.
“I was just going to borrow…”
“Oh, yes. That’s what they all say. Just don’t ever come near my shop again.” He raised a finger warningly, and gave Fyn a shake.
After the man left, Fyn sat glumly down on the roadside. Now what could he do? He chewed his lip, and racked his brain. What would Peter Pan do?
Suddenly, the most thrilling part of the story leaped to his mind; the swordfight between Peter and Captain Hook. Fyn jumped up. He could do that! A sword fight. All he needed was a sword and someone to fight. Those couldn’t be hard to find.
An hour later, he realized that perhaps they could be. He had a stout stick, which could serve as a sword in a pinch. But he had no enemies. He kicked at a pebble in the road.
“Hey, shrimp!”
Fyn turned around.  A tallish boy a few years older than him was standing behind him. “This is my alley. If you want to walk here, you got to pay.”
Fyn could scarcely believe his luck. “Did you call me shrimp?” he asked, eyes wide.
“Yup. I did, shrimp.”
A huge smile swept over Fyn’s face. The older boy looked confused.
“Then, sir, I challenge you to a sword fight. To the death.” Fyn raised his stick dramatically.
The boy laughed, a tad uneasily. “Watcha talking about?”
“A sword fight. To the death.” Fyn especially relished the last phrase.
“Uh,” said the boy.
“Well come on, find a stick or something,” said Fyn impatiently.
“Um, I have to go.” said the boy.
“What? You can’t just leave after I challenge you!” Fyn frantically groped for some means to make the boy stay. “That’s cowardly!” But the boy was already gone.
Fyn dejectedly dropped his sword. Adventure was far more difficult to come by than the books made it out to be.
Perhaps he was going about it the wrong way. He gnawed on his thumbnail, and thought. Maybe if he took the bad guy’s part. What would Hook do…?
“Come on! You just walk off!” Fyn coaxed.
Mary pouted. “I don’t want to get wet. And the water’s cold right now. Mother said I wasn’t to go swimming for another month. I might get sick.”
“Mary, you want the doughnut, right?” asked Fyn, waving the sugary, warm treat temptingly.
The little girl twisted a blonde curl, and looked down at her frilly blue frock. “My dress will be ruined,” she whined.
“Aw, come on.”
“Do I really have to have the rope tied around my hands, though?” asked Mary reluctantly.
“You can just wrap it around once or twice. It’s for the effect.”
Mary gave on more look at the coveted treat, and twisted the clothesline around her wrists.
“Now, walk the plank, girl!” commanded Fyn, in his most villainous voice, and poked her with his stick.
“Ow! Stop it!” Mary shrieked. Fyn stopped. Mary sighed, and peered down at the pond from her perch on the old board.
“Oh, I don’t know…”
Fyn was thoroughly fed up.
“Just walk off!” he hissed between his teeth.
Looking like a martyr, Mary finally stepped off the plank.
There was a satisfying splash. Mary’s blonde head resurfaced a moment later.
“It’s COLD!” she gasped. After a bit of splashing, and slipping, she clambered onto the bank.
“Where’s my doughnut?” she demanded.
Fyn handed it to her, and she trudged off, dripping and nibbling the treat.
Fyn sat down on the grass. Somehow, that hadn’t seemed much like an adventure. Perhaps you couldn’t make adventure come to you. Perhaps it was hopeless.
He slowly trudged homeward. The stars were appearing, and he gazed at the bright points of light shining through the graying sky. “Second star to the right, and straight on till morning,” he whispered under his breath. He looked a little to the right, and suddenly something caught his eye. A tiny kitten, black as ink, was strutting along the ridgepole of the tall house, and leaning far out the attic window, a little girl with long brown hair was calling to it.
Fyn’s quick eyes drew out a path by which he could reach the lost kitten. He scaled the front porch, and climbed up the drain pipe. Soon he was level with the attic window. The girl caught sight of him, and gasped. Her brown eyes grew huge.
“I’ll get him,” said Fyn, and scrambled the last few feet. He soon had the tiny kitten safe in his jacket. He climbed carefully back to the window and handed the kitten to the girl. “Shadow,” she crooned, and cuddled the kitten.
“Nice name,” said Fyn.
“Thanks.” said the girl. Shyly, she looked at Fyn. “I thought you were Peter Pan,” she said, in awe. Fyn blinked.
“You’ve read Peter Pan?” he asked, rather unnecessarily. The girl nodded vigorously. “Oh yes. That’s why I named him Shadow.” she stroked the kitten. “Like Peter’s shadow. The way you climbed up here, and your green jacket, and everything, just reminded me of Peter Pan.”
A grin rose unbidden to Fyn’s face. He quickly tried to straighten his face. “What’s your name?”
“Uh, would you call me Wendy?” asked the girl breathlessly.
A women’s voice became audible. “Jenny, time for bed.”
The girl whirled around, and then looked back at Fyn.
“Come back?”
“Sure. Have you ever flown?” asked Fyn.
Jenny’s eyes grew huge, and her mouth dropped open a little. “No…” she managed to gasp.
“Me neither. But maybe we can figure it out tomorrow.” said Fyn.
A little smile rose to Jenny’s lips. “I’ve always wanted to fly.”
Fyn smiled. “Me too.”

Thursday, June 26, 2014

and a bit more

Another word art I did for my mom.

Friday, June 20, 2014

dabbling in typography

Hello all!

I've recently been inspired to try hand-drawn typography (thanks to The Postman's Knock!)
And here is the result:


Friday, June 13, 2014

When I Grow Up...

Hello! I don't have any pictures of art to post, though I have been doing some painting. 
(Hopefully I'll post those soon.)
But, I do have a short story I wrote! Hope you enjoy. :)

When I Grow Up...

Jo was running. He was late for school, and he desperately did not want to be punished in front of the whole class. He had never been late before, and he did not plan on making this a first, though school was far from his chosen activity. Perhaps the new little girl with long hair had something to do with it, or perhaps not. At any rate, Jo was running. As he reached the long, meandering road to the schoolhouse, he glanced at the dirt path cutting through the forest. The shortcut. He hadn’t taken the old path ever since the day Rick had told him about ghosts.  But this was as a special case. He had to get to school on time. He would just have to risk the ghosts. He sucked in a huge breath, as if preparing for a deep dive, and stepped off the road onto the path. The forest was cool, and dim. Jo kept his eyes riveted on the path in front of him, and broke into a sprint. The faint sound of voices startled him, and he sped up. Suddenly, he broke into a clearing. Jo stopped short. Then, all his fears took flight, vanishing in a moment beyond the leafy canopy, along with all thoughts of the school bell. Before him, spread like a scene from some delightful book, was a group of people. All were dressed unusually, with worn but bright clothes. They were chatting around a small fire over which an iron pot was hanging. The scent from the stewpot talked in a familiar manner with his stomach, inviting him closer. Jo walked over, all thoughts of school temporarily dispelled.  A few of the people were looking over at him. Jo, ever sociable, struck up a conversation with the nearest boy, who was wearing a red handkerchief around his neck.
“I’m Jo. That smells good.”
The boy grinned. “Hey Jo. Yup. That’s hobo stew.”
Jo’s eyes grew huge. “You’re a hobo?” he asked, barely breathing.
The boy grinned wider. “Yup.” he said again. Jo was scarcely able to believe his great luck. He’d waited all his life, or so it seemed, to meet a hobo. Now, here, before his eyes, stood a real, live, flesh-and-blood specimen.
“My dad’s told me about hobos,” said Jo breathlessly. “Do you ride lots of trains? What’s in hobo stew? What do you do…”
“Whoa, whoa… hold yer horses!” said the boy. “I ain’t got but one tongue to answer ya!”
“What’s your name?” asked Jo.
The boy mopped his face with the red handkerchief and considered Jo.
“Why do you wear handkerchiefs?” asked Jo.
“I’ll make ya a deal.” said the boy, finally.
“What kind of a deal?” asked Jo.
“If ya stop talkin’ fer one minute, I’ll answer yer questions.”
“Alright.” said Jo, agreeably.
“Well, my name’s Alfred.” said the boy.
“And I’ve ridden about five trains myself. Hobo stew has anything in it from taters, to green beans, to meat, if ya can get any.”
“Is this…” began Jo.
Alfred interrupted. “Say, ya ain’t keeping your end of the deal too well, Jo.”
Jo shut his mouth again.
“Now, this stew is a pretty good un. We’ve got a whole chicken, a couple taters, and an onion.”
Jo opened his mouth, but Alfred began talking first. “What’s a fellow like you doin’ out in the woods on a school day?”
            A sudden vision of the drab school room flashed into Jo’s mind, and with a start, he leaped to his feet. The most prominent figure in the scene was Miss Alder, frowning sadly down upon him. Another figure, smaller, and more pleasant by far hovered in the background as well, warning the delinquent of the impending punishment.
Jo fled.
He was late.
The punishment was humiliating, and the new girl ignored all attempts at friendliness, even shunning the beautiful stick of peppermint purchased especially for her. Jo sucked the rejected candy at recess glumly.
That afternoon, Miss Alder, in her bright, cheerful voice, announced that each and every boy and girl in the room was to write on their slate what they wanted to be when they grew up, and why. Immediately hands flew into the air.
“Miss Alder, may I write down ‘doctor’?” asked Lenny.
“May I be a schoolteacher? My mother was a schoolteacher.” said Maryanne, primly.
Jo sucked his pencil for a few minutes, in deliberating silence. Finally, he raised his hand as well.
Miss Alder came over. “Yes Jo?”
“May I go outside for a few minutes?” asked Jo.
“Have you finished?” asked Miss Alder, looking dubiously at the blank slate.
“No. I need to ask someone something.”
Miss Alder blinked a few times. What on earth could he want to ask anyone? Her lively curiosity got the better of her. “Alright, Jo. Just hurry,” she said, finally.
Jo leaped up and dashed out of the classroom. In a few minutes he was back, panting, but a flash of triumph and defiance in his eyes.
He scrawled out some words on his slate and marched quickly to the front, handing it in with the rest of the students, a sort of daring look on his face.
After they left, Miss Alder looked through the children’s slates.
“Schoolteacher, doctor, writer, farmer, banker…”
The last slate was Jo’s. Scrawled on his slate, in messy chalk writing was his chosen profession and reason. Miss Alder’s lips twitched.
“I want to be a hobo, because they don’t have to go to school.”

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

All we have to decide...

I painted a quote from Tolkien:

It's actually bigger, and Tolkien is credited at the bottom, but our scanner cut that off. :/

I used a resist method to get the white words; you write the words in masking fluid, then watercolor over it. When it's dry, you peel off the masking fluid, and your words are perfectly masked!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

the grey havens

Another watercolor, this time of the grey havens from Lord of the Rings.
Sadly, I still haven't figured out why the color of my pictures change when uploaded to blogger. :/
Needless to say, it looks very different in real life.

Fancy that! A third post within a week...

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

birds & more birds

Hey, I am back! And here are a couple bird paintings to reward your checking of my blog! 

Sadly, they are basically copies of another artist's work. I loved the paintings, so I made my own versions. Still, I decided they merited a blog post.

 A chickadee...

And a little cardinal family...

And there you have it! A second blog post that isn't months apart from the last.

Monday, April 28, 2014

horses & flowers

Sorry it's been so long! Here's a watercolor I did a while ago...

And once again, I'll resolve to keep the blog updated more frequently. 
Not that it will happen...but we can always hope.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

late snow

Here's a painting I did over Christmas break, which I totally forgot about! 
I really liked how it turned out, however, so I'm posting it, despite it being spring already. 

I used masking fluid to mark out the snowflake, and then cling wrap and salt to get the texture behind the snowflake. Then I used lighter watercolor paints to give the snowflake it's faceted look.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I've enjoyed some painting over spring break, and I came up with this cheetah:

It's a little different from what I normally paint, since I  actually covered the entire page! :) 
Sorry the photo quality isn't the greatest...on the camera the pic looked fine, but on the computer I can see it's a bit blurry, and the color isn't as vivid as I would like. :/

Friday, February 28, 2014

peregrine falcon

I broke out the watercolors again a couple days ago, and came up with this:

(I'm not sure what's wrong with the picture... the coloring is all weird when I post it to Blogger...)