Chapter Two

Chapter 2
The next… heir? He couldn’t… My head felt dizzy, lightheaded. I dashed the rest of the way up the stairs, unheeding the scolding voice of Lady Priscilla. My feet pounded on the soft red carpet. I came to a sudden stop at the king’s chambers. Softly, I opened the door and crept in, silent as a mouse. The room was spacious, with a large bed in the middle. The drapes were pulled closed, giving the room a dismal atmosphere. A large group of courtiers, and royalty were gathered around his bed, servants fringing them, curious who would be the next ruler. As I pushed through the crowd, I saw to my relief that he was sitting up! Perhaps he was getting better… my thoughts were cut short as he saw me. His face was wrinkled and pale, his gray haired head crowned with the ruby-set golden crown of Yuta. In his hand, he held a parchment, inscribed upon with jet black ink. He smiled gently at me. I smiled back, but my mind was racing. Who would it be? I saw Reynold standing next to the bed, a hand on fathers shoulder. A flicker of jealousy burned in me. Why had father always loved him more? Reynold looked down at father, a worried expression on his face. His eyes flicked toward the parchment and I thought, for an instant, that he smiled. It was gone almost before I saw it. My brow wrinkled slightly. Why…? Would father make him heir because he was his favorite? Father opened the parchment and began to read. “My subjects,” his voice rang out, still calm and full, just as it had been before he was ill, “I have thought long and hard over the question of whom shall be ruler in my place. As we all know, there was a…” a cough wracked his frame, “…a mix-up at birth, and we shall never know who is the older.” He looked lovingly at Reynold, and then me. “This problem has lain heavy on my heart many a night. I have, after much consideration, devised a plan. A quest shall be the answer.” A ripple of murmurs ran through the crowd. “A quest for…” his voice trailed off, a look of deep pain sliding over his face. “…For the queen.” A gasp rose up from the listeners. I was stunned. My… mother? My hand slipped to the tiny golden locket containing her picture as I remembered the story I had heard but a few times. Just an hour or so after she had given birth to me and my brother, she had vanished. Father had sent out search parties and large groups of soldiers to scour the land. They had looked for months. One day, we received a message that a group was on her trail! Father was full of joy, excitement and relief. The message had said “We will return, with the queen by the first of next month.” The whole castle had waited with excitement, for the first of the month. But the search party never arrived. They seemed to have vanished, just as the queen had. I had been just a baby so I had not heard of these events till I was older. Father never wanted to talk of it, and, after that last search party, he never sent out another. Now he was sending us? Me and Reynold? My brain whirled as these thoughts dashed through it. I looked up, and father’s face had grown pale. I could see he had been thinking of the same thing as I. He leaned back on the pillow and handed the scroll to a lord standing near him. The lord read the rest of the scroll. “If both royal twins decide to take on the quest, they will each choose a party of companions and they will depart on the first of September. Whosoever is the first to find the queen, will be rightful heir to the throne. If one twin decides to forgo the quest the other will immediately gain right to the crown. The prince or princess who finds the queen will be wise and brave enough to be the ruler of Yuta.” I glanced at Reynold. His brow was wrinkled in a half angry, half confused expression. I looked away quickly. What was the anger for? Did it really matter so much to him? “Apparently.” the small voice returned. My thoughts turned to myself. What should I do? Go on a quest to who knows where? Leave my safety here? It could be so dangerous out in the wild world. I stood, still as a stunned bird. Courtiers dispersed, pushing around me chattering about the quest. Why did life have to be so hard? I wondered, turning to go as the physician anxiously shooed everyone out of the room. My feet felt like lead as I stumbled out. I was only 16. I shouldn’t have to make a decision that would shape my life forever! I wasn’t ready. I opened the door to my room in a daze. Maryanne was sitting on her heels, scrubbing out a muddy spot on the carpet. She looked up with a shy smile as I walked in. Her smile disappeared into an anxious look, as she perceived my stunned expression. I scarcely noticed. Flopping onto my bed, I stared up at the ceiling as I tried to sort my muddled thoughts. Reynold was sure to go on the quest. He wanted to be king. I, I didn’t want to be queen, and I didn’t want to go on any quest, either. I could just not go. But then Reynold would not go, as he would automatically have the right to be king, and mother would still be missing. I didn’t know if she was dead or alive, but if father wanted us to go on a quest he must have some hope… On the other hand if I did go, I sighed. I did not want to be queen. There was always someone criticizing whatever you did, though not to your face. Even if you work from sunup to sunset there is always more work. I had seen father sitting late into the night working on signing papers, approving notices, petitions and the like. And then if wars come up…  I shuddered at the thought of controlling hundreds of lives into battle to be killed. Shaking my head to rid myself of the awful picture, I stood up and rubbed my head. Even if I wasn’t the one to find the mother and become queen, I would have had to go on a dangerous, difficult quest. You need fresh air, I told myself finally. I walked out of my room, a headache throbbing against my temples. As I turned the corner, I saw my brother standing leaned up against the wall, his back to me. I stepped back quickly. What was he doing? I heard muffled voices conferring together. I frowned. Secrets? The whispering stopped after less than a minute. Footsteps were coming towards me! I looked around trying to find someplace to hide. I slipped into a room right next to me, pulling the door closed very gently. I sighed with relief, realizing it was vacant, and unfurnished. Footsteps tramped past the door. I held my breath, and after a few seconds they vanished up the hall. I opened the door cautiously and stepped out. Reynold acted strangely sometimes, and I never wanted to be on his wrong side, by interfering with him. I walked down the hall toward the stairway. As I rounded the corner, there stood Reynold once again, but this time he was looking my way! I forced myself to continue walking. “Hello, sister.” He said in his flowing voice, which always made me want to be abrupt by contrast. “Hello.” I said, starting to pass him. He stopped me with his arm. “I was just going to give you some brotherly advice.” “Thank you, but I am in a hurry right now” I lied, trying to get around him. “I wouldn’t go on that quest, if I were you.” He said, in a lowered voice. I froze, glancing quickly at him. His face looked perfectly innocent however. “You would be wise not to go.” He said, in almost a whisper. I replied curtly. “I think I can make up my own mind.” Though I acted indifferently, I was frightened. My expression must have given me away, for he smiled a small, condescending smile. “Of course.” He said, letting his arm drop. I descended the stairs, forcing myself not to run. My heart was pounding and my legs felt wobbly as I exited the great palace doors. Why did he tell me that? He really didn’t want me on the quest. He wants to be sure of the throne… Why does he want the throne so badly? For power? Or something else…? I paced around the garden thinking hard. Now what should I do? Reynold would probably be furious with me if I went. I didn’t want to be enemies with my own brother! Not that anyone was exactly his friend… I mused. Reynold had never been great friends with anyone. Whenever he met someone, he acted so superior, that no one wanted anything to do with him. I collapsed on a bench, my legs and mind exhausted. Why did life have to be so hard? Why couldn’t I have been born a court lady, or even just a commoner? My mind leaned towards one option. Father said I could just skip the quest… and, I really don’t want to go anywhere dangerous. Maybe Reynold would be the best ruler. Perhaps I would be a terrible queen. And, maybe father will send other people out to look for mother. My hand rubbed the tiny locket longingly. A small voice whispered warningly in my head, but I pushed it away. A quest would be too dangerous. Out in the middle of nowhere, with no soldiers to protect you. I had so much that I might lose. My comfort, my safety, possibly my life! My mind finally made itself up. I couldn't accept the challenge.