Saturday, September 29, 2012

cultural paintings

Yes, more watercolors.

A group of rice pickers...

painted from this picture:

then a couple Indonesian kids playing on an ox cart...

from this picture:

 and a Filipino boat...

painted from this photo:

I had alot of fun with them!


  1. Those poor people being painted. At least you did a great job of it. -M

  2. Very nice Amy! I can just see a kids' book in that second painting!

  3. Thanks Amy for the comment on my blog! Your paintings are so beautiful!

  4. Honestly! You really could take your experiences in the cultures of the Philippines or Indonesia and write a kids book for American kids. They'd be fascinated by how life is different there.
    I'm really serious here Amy. I think you have a future in writing and illustrating kids' books!
