Tuesday, November 15, 2011

pencil drawing

Well, here I am again!
Though I'm not posting about Michael's quilt.
I just finished a drawing, and couldn't wait to post it...
It was sort of inspired by Mary Engelbreit, though I don't know if you've every heard of her...
My mom really likes her drawings.

Here it is!

The scanner quality is pretty bad. 
It's much crisper and clearer in real life.
Not to mention better colors.

Ah well.
I enjoyed making it, and I thought the scene was  cute.



  1. BEAUTIFUL!! I love the colors and great perspective, Ames!

  2. Amy--you absolutely could be writing and illustrating children's books! This is SO good! And I love the pineapple too....I believe you have a future in books!!! :) Love, A. Judy
