Monday, January 9, 2012

African batik 1

Well, here is my quarter project post!

I decided on African batik after finding this neat tutorial.

I found an old muffin tin, bunches of crayons, and a cotton pillowcase.

Then, I lightly sketched my design onto the pillowcase with a pencil.

 Next, I unwrapped a box of crayons...

...broke them into chunks... 

 ...and separated them by color into the muffin tin.

I stuck the muffin tin into the oven on the lowest temperature.

After about five or ten minutes, the crayons had melted.

I took the tin out of the oven, and using an old paintbrush, I started painting my design.

Every few minutes the wax began to harden, so I had to stick it back in the oven.

Several people commented on the tutorial that a warming tray may be much better than the oven.

If you're in a hurry, or want to be more efficient, you might want that.
Being the spendthrift I am, 
I took the time-consuming but cheap path. 

Also, the wax hardened onto the bristles of my brushes, and they  became unusable.
So having a pot of boiling water is helpful, to pour over the stiff bristles, and to soak brushes in.

A warning...the container used to soak your brushes in will quickly become covered in hard wax.
Rather hard to clean. 

And note the layer of wax on top of the water... 
It helps to clean that off with a bit of paper every so often, or else every time you lift out a brush, it will be re-coated in wax.


Here is the fabric completely painted!

 It took maybe five or six hours to paint it all.

Sweaty work in such a suffocatingly hot kitchen!

I'll post about the last half of the project in a day or two.


  1. It is so pretty! You did a great job.

  2. Cool! Can't wait to see the finished project!

  3. If you were being paid by the hour that would be one expensive pillowcase!!

  4. Thanks! And it's not the finished piece! :) I'll post the last part of the project in a bit.
