Monday, January 2, 2012

felt animals

Christmas break is so nice.
Lots of free time for reading, writing, and making things.
I made some cute little felt and fleece animals for winter decorations.

A penguin...

a bluebird...

and a fox!
(my favorite)

Elise made a sweet little owl.

They were fun to create!

We carried armloads of felt and fleece scraps up to our room, along with sewing needles and thread, and listened to most of the Narnia books on my Mp3.

Our room was a mess of fabric scraps and thread afterward.


Also during Christmas break, I've been revising my novel and trying to work out the last chapter.
If anyone would like to critique some of my novel, I would really appreciate it! 
You can leave me a comment and I will email you the second draft of  however many chapters you want to critique.

Next post will be about...
Basket weaving!


  1. I'm sad because all I'm seeing where your pictures should be are boxes with a little red X in the corner :-(
    Is it my computer? Or is there something you can do to fix it? I've gotten all your other photos. Love the quilt you made for Michael...what a great big sister!

  2. Hi Auntie Judy! I'm working on fixing the pictures...they aren't showing up on our computer either! :P

  3. Hey I see them now!!!! How very cute! Fun! Thanks for sharing :@)

  4. Yay! Glad the photos work now!
