Tuesday, March 20, 2012

copying Monet

Sorry for the lack of posts...
I had a great trip to Subic for a soccer tournament over spring break. Our team placed second!
Read more about it here: soccer tournament

For art a few weeks ago, I had to copy a painting by Monet.
Here is the painting I chose:

We used to have it hanging up in our house.

Here is my duplicate:
It's ok... 
The sky looks a lot less neon in real life!
I had fun trying to copy it.
I was using watercolors.
They are really hard to layer.
So the poppies turned out looking like washed out blobs.
I'm actually copying another picture right now... Van Gogh's "Starry Night"! 
I'll post about it soon.

1 comment:

  1. Just lovely! As usual! I love Monet :-)
    Many congrats on your well played tournament and 2nd place win!! I'm excited for you and proud of you! Looks like you and Elise had a wonderful time! Friends, fun, Frosties! So glad you had that exciting opportunity :-)
