Friday, July 29, 2011

watercolor ventures

I finally have another post!

I have been playing around with watercolors quite a bit.
(as you may remember from my last post...)

I saw a neat idea somewhere for mixing watercolors.

A sort of "watercolor multiplication chart"...

My version:

You most likely are unable to decipher the scrawls on top and left of the sheet, so I will  attempt to explain. :P

Basically, the first word on the top left corner is "red", as well as the word on the top of the column of words on the left.
The next word down is orange, as well as the next one over, and so on...

Anyway... it just shows what color you get if you mix the color on the top and the color on the right.


And I'm not very good at explaining.

Moving on...

One night, I was just inspired to draw a tree with birds.

So I did.

And then painted it.

I think it turned out pretty well.

And then, last but not least, 
A sparrow.

This time, I aimed for 
(yep, that's just a made up word)

I was pretty pleased with how it turned out!
Except for the claw...
*glares at claw*
My claws never seem to turn out quite right...
: /

Ah well,
that's all for now!
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  1. Thanks very much, Miss Kay and JH!
    I just painted another one, so I will post it soon (hopefully)! :)


  2. Amy, don't fret about your claws! Your art is perfect. I really envy you there. Keep up the good work!

  3. :) Thanks Ashleigh! I'm planning to post some more birds soon...
